All About Forest Bathing/Forest Therapy

My guest this week on the Solo Women RV podcast is Andrea Kreiner from Red Cedar Forest Therapy. Andrea talks with us about the healing power of nature and how to get the most out of your time in the forest, desert or at the beach. She explains the science behind Forest Bathing or Forest Therapy and why creating a regular practice of consciously connecting with nature is so beneficial.

Show Notes:

Forest Bathing Key Take-Aways

  1. The forest heals us both physically and mentally. It allows us to get out of our heads an into our senses.
  2. Trees emit chemicals called Phytoncides that help boost our immune system and lower stress. They can even help your body heal from some diseases.
  3. Spending time in nature, something as simple as staring up the clouds,  helps refill our voluntary attention bucket and gives us better focus at work or school.
  4. It takes just 20 minutes to get outside your RV immerse your senses in the nature that is around you. Get your hands in the dirt, Listen. Feel. Get out of your head and into your senses.
  5. Even if you can’t get outside, connect with a photo of nature can bring about some of the benefits of Forest Therapy.
  6. This can be a great thing to do with your pet. Seeing nature through their eyes can bring about a whole different experience.
  7. You can do this in any weather, just make sure you’re dressed correctly.

To find a guide in an area while you’re traveling go to Association of Nature and Therapy Guides

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