All Things Propane with the Queen Bee RV Brenda Puckett

Today we’re going to talk about propane.  Many women are nervous about their propane systems—they’re fearful of a fire, an explosion or carbon monoxide poisoning. Our guest today, Brenda Puckett from Queen Bee RV is here to quell our fears and tell us all we need to know to safely use propane in our RVs.

Key Takeaways:

1. Propane is liquified petroleum and it’s an important fuel for our RVs. The more you understand it and how it works, the more empowered you’ll be to use it safely.

2. Propane can cause issues if there is a leak in your line.  Get a professional Leak Drop test annually and perform DIY checks as often as makes you feel safe.

3. Carbon monoxide detectors are your first line of defense against a carbon monoxide poisoning. Make sure your batteries are charged or you have fresh 9 volt batteries for those to operate properly.

4. Have a fire extinguisher and know how to use it.

5. Make sure your emergency exit is operative.

6. While some in the RV industry claim it is safe to drive with your propane lines open, Brenda does not recommend it.

7. If you have a towable with removable propane cylinders, they have an expiration date. Make sure to check for it. Mounted tanks do not have an expiration date.

8. Keep your propane tanks full in cold weather, as they’ll be more efficient.

9. Always vent when cooking with propane.

Propane Safety Equipment Mentioned in the Episode:

Mentioned in this Episode:

Gas leak detector spray 

Propane sniffer 

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Solo Women RV Theme song is Fields Station by Nikole Potulsky

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