Where should you camp as a solo woman Rver? Here I share some of my favorite places to camp, see and visit. More will be added to this list all the time. Be sure to check back!

10 First Come, First Serve Campgrounds Near Portland, OR
The 10 best first come first serve campsites near Portland, OR.

February Camping on the Oregon Coast
We had a few warm days here in Portland and I de-winterized my RV, made a few small repairs and headed for a few nights of February camping on the Oregon coast. I wanted to shake things out and check and make sure everything is working as it should before I head out for a…

Clamming on the Oregon Coast
There’s nothing quite like foraging for your own dinner when camping. One of my favorite campgrounds in Oregon is also one of the best places to go clamming for delicious Pacific Razor clams. In December 2021, I went clamming for the very first time on the Oregon Coast. Even though I’ve lived in Oregon for…

My Trip to the Sisters Folk Festival
One of my favorite things is seeing live music. When I first got Squeaky, I imagined a big part of my adventures would be traveling to music festivals. Due to Covid and a few other factors, that hasn’t really happened, but this month I finally got to make that happen. I’d heard about the Sisters…

Lucking out Camping at Timothy Lake with Olive
When I was unpacking from my last camping trip without her, Olive got in the van and wouldn’t get out. I took this as her letting me know that she wanted to go on another adventure in Squeaky. Since I know she doesn’t do well driving very far, I looked for a place close to…

Three Days at Fort Stevens State Park
When I knew that Montana was out of the picture, I decided to head to the coast for some cooler weather and to see how Olive would do with a slower place on no one’s agenda but our own. Fort Stevens State Park, near Astoria, is one of my favorite places to camp in Oregon,…

Reporting in from LaPine State Park
It’s just over one week that I’ve called LaPine State Park home. I’m sitting at my picnic table in the full sun, but still on the edge of cold. I hear the wind whipping in the pines and cedars above me. The sky is blue and dry. I already love it here. I was delighted…

So Long Silver Falls
Note: I wrote this blog a few days ago and am just getting it posted now. As I write Silver Falls State Park has been evacuated due to forest fire danger. Praying she gets spared. A few other Oregon State Parks were not so lucky. My time at Silver Falls has come to an end….

Leaving Wallowa Lake
When I left Wallowa Lake, I stopped at Iwetemlaykin Heritage Site. Iwetemlaykin means edge of the lake and it was part of the vast homeland for the Nez Perce (Nimiipuu) and the start of the Nez Perce Trail. As I crested the hill and looked down over the grasslands of valley below, a wave of…

Podcast: Reasons to Visit Yellowstone as a Solo Traveler
And one major drawback In this week’s Solo Women RV podcast I share my top 5 reasons to visit Yellowstone National Park as a solo traveler and one major drawback of visiting Yellowstone as a solo. I share a bit about my own trip to Yellowstone and why it has become one of my favorite…

Birthday Celebrations and Close to Home Trips
My birthday was in August. I’d planned to celebrate it camping with friends. We made our reservations back in February. I got up early to be online the minute reservations opened up at Big Lake out near Sisters, Oregon. We were only able to get one site, but needed three for our big group. That’s…

Poking around Gifford Pinchot
After a few days at the coast and one sketchy campground, I came back into Portland for a vet appointment for Olive. I wasn’t sure where I was going to go for the weekend, as I had a reservation on Sunday at Trillium Lake, near Mt. Hood. I was texting with a friend and she…

Traveling with a Friend and the Olympic Peninsula
My good friend, Myra, got in touch with me a few weeks ago. She is someone I traveled with a few years ago to the Modern Elder Academy and had a great experience there, learning and growing. “I feel like I need another retreat!” she said to me. She was feeling a bit stuck with…