How Can I Help?

I wrote this post from a beautiful state park in Washington on Tuesday. Olive and I were practicing social distancing. Something I realize we’ve gotten pretty good at with our camping and hiking adventures. It felt good to be in nature, if only for a day.

My plans to travel are changing, like things for many of us, due to COVID-19. Already Oregon State Parks are closed to camping and I don’t know what other travel restrictions will be put in place. It sounds like Oregon might be the next state with “Stay at Home” orders. The renter I had lined up might be canceling, or at the very least, changing her plans.

I was excited to head out. I lined up a few speaking engagements and book readings at libraries and community spaces. I was excited to share all about those in this blog. But those are all canceled now.

I am a person who believes in fate and that things happen for a reason. There’s a reason my planned departure started out this way, even if I don’t know it yet. I did say to myself that I wanted to be open to whatever experiences I encountered on the road. Well, here it is, COVID-19. This is our collective experience right now.

Some people are reacting by hoarding food and buying guns. That’s fear taking over and I can’t blame people for doing what they think they must do to protect themselves and their families. Fear creeps into my day, as well.

Life seemed so normal and peaceful in the Gorge

But with my travel plans being delayed, I’ve been thinking about what can I do to be of service? How can I help? I joined a Facebook group called COVID-19 community support to offer assistance to those in my community who are most vulnerable. I looked into volunteering at the Food Bank, but they are limiting their offerings and all slots are full. I saw on the news that Meals on Wheels People needs delivery drivers, so I’ll reach out and see if I can offer support there. I’ve got some socks and coats I’ve been meaning to donate to a local organization. I’ll bring those by, if they’re accepting at this time.

I can, and will, help out my community and strangers, but then I got to thinking about folks closer to me. I can help by making a call to a friend who is isolated. I organized a video chat with a group of friends who haven’t gotten together in person in a while and everyone said how it really helped them. I can send a card to a friend in treatment for cancer. I can call my brother more often. I am offering to teach a class online to my sister’s kids who are home indefinitely. I can reach out to my neighbors to make sure they’re okay.

Writing in nature–like I thought I’d be doing…

There are things we can do, even if we can’t physically touch. Let me know if there’s something I can do for you. What ideas do you have of ways I can help or tell me what you’re doing. I know we’re all in this together, even if we’re six feet or more apart.

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