Wandering with the Wander Women

A few years ago, after I’d returned from my first big trip with Squeaky, I got a Facebook notice about a group called Wander Women RVers.  I didn’t know anything about this group, but saw they were all meeting at a campground just a few hours away.  After being on the road for a month, I came home to find that the person I rented my home to had trashed my house. I was feeling sad and discouraged and just wanted to get back on the road again. I still had a few days before I needed to get back to work, so I took a chance and made a reservation and drove to River Bend County Park where the group was meeting. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made.

Not only did I find a beautiful park and campground, I met a group of women who shared a passion for travel and camping and welcomed me right into the fold. Since that day, we’ve met up a few times for camping trips and have stayed in touch through all the ups and downs that was 2020. When the group found out I was going to be hosting at LaPine State Park, they planned a gathering here.

Some of the women had just come from another camping trip, so I was happy to see they extended their journey out to Central Oregon for another camping meet up. About eight Wander Women descended upon the campground, some I met for the first time. One drove all the way up from California, another made this her last stop on a move to the East Coast. One couldn’t make the meet up, but came out a few days later with her husband and we had a lovely, if short, visit. Most of the women are older than me with a lot more RV experience under their belts.

River Bend Park
River Bend Park and South Santiam River

We gathered for hikes and campfires and drives to scenic look outs. Being in the company of a group of older women, I was waved into the High Desert Museum on free Senior Day. Everyone had different abilities, some able to hike for miles, others content to hang out at camp or go for scenic drives. Each night we gathered around a fire to share laughs, tell stories and encourage and support one another. And with all of us fully vaccinated, we were able to hug hello and good-bye.

Wander Women in Yurt

The Wander Women is just one Facebook group I belong to, but thus far, it’s the one that has given me the most offline—in the real world. Community is important. Find yours. Just because you’re solo, doesn’t mean you have to be alone.

Campfire Gathering of New and Old Friends
Campfire Gathering of New and Old Friends

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