9 RV Maintenance Tasks You Can (and should) Do Yourself

My guest this week on the podcast is Shelley Kepford. Shelley is a certified RV inspector and a registered RV technician. She is the owner of Life’s RV Adventures and one of her goals with starting her business is to empower women to get out and start living their RV dreams. I asked Shelly to come on the podcast to share the 9 RV maintenance things we can (and should) do ourselves. 

I also share an update on my travels and the mechanical issues I’ve been having with my own RV. Listen in!

Show Notes:

Mentioned in this Interview:

9 RV Maintenance Take-Aways

1. Take the time go get to know your RV

2. Learn about your batteries and the type of maintenance they need.

3. Check your tires before every trip to make sure they’re in good shape

4. Inspect your power cord

5. A Water pressure regulator could save your plumbing.

6. Check the vents on your refrigerator and your water heater to make sure they’re not clogged with mud dappers in the spring and Fall

7. Check all the seals and seams on your roof. Look for cracks or places water can get in.

8. Do a departure checklist of all the tasks you need to complete before you leave a campground. And don’t let anyone distract you while you’re in the middle of it.

9. Create an RV maintenance schedule and follow it. Shelly will be sending a list that we will post here for you to reference.

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