Digital Nomad Brenda Uekert

What is it like to live and work full time out of an RV while also traveling with two cats? This week our guest Brenda Uekert, founder of the Gutsy Women Club, shares with us her journey into RV travel and offers some tips for running a successful business from the road.

Brenda Uekert is a sociologist, a financial coach, full time RVer and digital nomad. She shares her biggest challenges and also rewards of running a business from the road.

Brenda is offering a special discount to all who sign up via this link and use the code earlybird50 (lowercase) for $50 off her Financial Freedom for Women workshop. Check it out. 

Travels with Squeaky is a podcast for solo women campers, RVers and vanlifers hosted by Kathy Belge of

Travels with Squeaky Theme music by Nikole Potulsky

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