Downsizing for RV Travel

Downsizing and paring down your possessions is perhaps one of the hardest parts of RV travel. Whether you’re planning to go full-time, or just spend time traveling in your RV, downsizing and parting with unnecessary possessions is a major project and it’s best to have a plan to tackle it. This week on the Solo Women RV podcast we speak with Morgan Youngblood from The Home that Roams about her top tips for downsizing for RV or van travel. 

Key Take-Ways–Downsizing for RV or Van Travel

1. Starting is the hardest part of downsizing. Set a deadline and work back from there.

2. If you’re a spreadsheet kind of person, catalog all that you have so that you can sort it. 

3. If you want to sell things and make a bit of money, it will take time, so get started early.

4. Make downsizing a habit. Set weekly goals.

5. Sentimental items can be the hardest. Don’t tackle those first, but go ahead and start looking through them right away, so you know what you have.

6. Paper is a great place to start. Scan important thing into your computer or phone and shred the rest.

7. Clothing—Think of your RV lifestyle and what you’ll really need. A lot of your cute clothes and shoes, you probably won’t wear. Keep durable, quality items.

8. Kitchen: go as simple as you can.

9. Revaluate once a quarter. Once you’re on the road, go through your things—what do you use. What don’t you use. Purge some more!

Links to Help with Downsizing for RV Travel

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Solo Women RV theme song is Fields Station by Nikole Potulsky

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